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I Was Diagnosed With Severe Autism and Turned To CBD Oil

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I Was Diagnosed With Severe Autism and Turned To CBD Oil

From a different side, I was diagnosed with severe autism and didn't actually talk until middle school. I was given lots of meds because of outbursts, aggression, etc. Most anti-psychotics made me more anxious which made me feel like I was crawling out of skin. In the end it was a mixture of my parents unwillingness to give up on me and aba that helped make me a somewhat productive member of society. Fast forward 20 some years to 2015 and I am experiencing excruciating pain in my back which they believe might be bone cancer. I don't want narcotics...

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I Give My Son, Who Is 7, CBD Oil To Treat His Autism

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I Give My Son, Who Is 7, CBD Oil To Treat His Autism

Background: Son has pretty severe autism. He's a twin, but my other son is NT. He doesn't speak other than maybe a dozen words, and only when prompted. Still uses a diaper, as he won't go on the potty. We've tried every method under the sun. An eloper. He's escaped school and ran home, which is about two blocks away. We started to think about giving him meds about a year or so ago. The catalyst is he was getting incredibly violent (hitting us, his brother, the dog, et al), wouldn't settle down to sleep even though we have been...

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Mom Uses CBD Oil To Treat Autistic Child - Health Improves Greatly

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Mom Uses CBD Oil To Treat Autistic Child - Health Improves Greatly

Mom, Rebecca says she successfully uses CBD to treat an autistic child. Her son, Gavin, was diagnosed with autism at the age of three. Health problems and a failure to reach developmental milestones ultimately led to the diagnosis. Gavin’s health was falling apart, and he suffered from an array of conditions including cerebral palsy, complex partial seizures, genetic anomaly, cyclical vomiting, and autism. CBD turned his life around. Keppra rage Tobegin with, Gavin had to take an anticonvulsant called Keppra for his seizures. The seizures stopped but, as in so many cases, his autistic behaviors became worse. “Keppra rage” is...

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Study: With CBD Oil, 80% of Children With Autism Saw Improvement

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Study: With CBD Oil, 80% of Children With Autism Saw Improvement

Researchers in Israel have recently discovered strong evidence that medical cannabis is an effective treatment for children who are on the autism spectrum. The medical journal Neurology will soon publish the study which highlights a clinical trial in which autistic children were treated with highly concentrated CBD (cannabidiol), a non-intoxicating cannabinoid found in cannabis. The study revealed that astoundingly, approximately 80 % of the children experienced an improvement in symptoms related to autism. Interestingly, the children had shown little or no improvement with conventional drug therapies. Dr. Adi Aran, director of pediatric neurology at Jerusalem’s Shaare Zedek Hospital, led the...

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The Benefits Of CBD Oil For People With Autism

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The Benefits Of CBD Oil For People With Autism

Many people diagnosed with Autism are known to be extremely intelligent. Many are geniuses with mental capacity that few of us could even comprehend. But in severe cases, individuals with this condition tend to really struggle with the ins and outs of the mundane things we encounter in this world. And in addition to this, there can often be heart-breaking self-harming/aggressive tendencies to deal with. But there may, at last, be hope on the horizon, as many families have found comfort from a seemingly effective remedy: CBD oil. This is a new concept. And though it has benefits, it also...

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